Wednesday 17 August 2016

Medicine is Awesome

Hi! Today is good day for me to write something..

I still talking about medic..medic..medic.. Bored?

When it is your passion, it will never bored you ;)
Even medicine is the busiest course ever that I had found and tried. hahaha. Cannot beat zaman asasi punya. Yeah this is because you are MAHASISWA/MAHASISWI. Thats means you have a LOT of activities and programs need to be joined and active. Nak hidup, kena pandai pandai lahh. Huhuhu.

In order nak stay college for next years, you kena active and contribute something to college. If not, say goodbye lahh. *sobs sobs

Even activities and programs would make you feel tired and didn't have time for study. The benefits that you get from those thing are so precious. Experience the best thing ever that make you learn better and be a good people. The most thing that we must learn from zaman Uni is kemahiran berkomunikasi. Communication with strangers, with public even with your friends. Common sense kena ada lah! Because we live together and tambah-tambah lagi, as a future doctor, we must communicate a lot with public.

Aktiviti untuk medic student year 1 kat UPM ialah;

Diabetes day at UPM Dewan Besar.

Act, banyak lagi. serius banyak lagi..tapi aku ingat yang ni je sekarang. hahaha. Maybe sebab yang ni je yang aku join as ajk. But, aktiviti grand and wajib for all first year is Diabetes Day.

It is an event for giving public awareness about diabetes mellitus.
The event will be held at Dewan Besar UPM every year and handle by second&first year medical student. Third year student also will give a hand at Health Screening booth.
Diabetes Day is open for all UPM students and public.
The event is about, Diabetes Run which is an running competition. Besides, there is a lot of GAMES BOOTH and HEALTH SCREENING BOOTH.
On the closing ceremony, there will be prize giving event and some performance from medical students. But, for next DD, some interesting competition will be opened for all. Stay tune!

Oh okay, i got to go rn. Bye!


Medic UPM Semester 1

Assalamualaikum. Fuhh lama tak blogging. Sampai lupa yang aku ada blog rupanya.
Antara faktor lama tak blogging sebab busy GILER, okay giler tu tipu je. hahaha. Dan jugak wifi kolej tak dapat connect kalau duk dalam bilik, membuatkan aku malas nak main internet. Buat assignment je rajin sebab terpaksa, tu pun kena melangut kat ruang tamu mengharapkan secebis wifi. huhuhu.

Okay, last week dengan rasminya aku dah menamatkan first year medical student. *ceh baru first year* hahaha. Tapi cabaran hidup ni tak kira lah year berapa pun, semua ada cabaran. So stay strong babe!

And sebab dah habis first year, boleh lah nak cite inside out pasal first year ni. Hmm. nak start dari mana ehh?

I would like to talk about subject that we had learned. In one year. But you guys yang nak ambik medic kena ingat tau, kos kita special, tak sama macam kos lain yang ada cuti sem sampai 3 bulan tu. Paling lama and paling bersyukur pun cuti kita dapat 3 minggu. huhuhu. Sebab kita ada banyak sangat subjek that need to be covered within first and second year. Sebab third year onward kita dah masuk clinical year, yang mana kita akan banyak buat praktikal kat ward. First and second year ni dikenali sebagai pre-clinical year, yang mana kita akan belajar teori dulu. Tapi ada lah jugak pergi visit hospital.

Ehh melalut pulak. Tadi cakap nak cite pasal subjek kan.

Senarai package a.k.a subject yang diambil untuk first year. sumber: smp iolls haha
Okay, you guys boleh tengok package yang student medic first year kena ambik. We called it as package. Dalam satu package, ada few subjects.

For sem 1, kita kena ambik package 1,2 and 3. Then, second sem, kena ambik package 4,5 and 6. Start package 5 and 6, dah belajar by system. maksudnya, kita akan tekankan system by system. Contohnya, CVS- Cardiovascular system. So, belajar pasal heart jela inside out dia. 

Nak tau killer module tak? Module ni maksudnya macam subject lah. 

Yang paling killer bagi i yang pemalas ni, MBM, tak ingat pulak nama nya. tapi kalau kat atas ni, Perubatan Berasaskan Molekul. hmm, Molecular based medicine kot. hahaha! Bantai. 

Sebab module tu macam belajar biochem lah citenya. Kena hafal banyak cycle huhuhu. Tapi jangan risau, everything gonna be fine!

Apa lagi ekk nak cite? hmm, detail untuk every module lah pulak kot? Okay. Stay tune for next post! Any inquiries, feel free to ask! ;)
